Press Coverage
Kerlabs develops and markets a high quality and complete SSI software solution based on an open source core (GPL) enhanced by proprietary software extensions with strong added value.
The software solutions of Kerlabs are the result of several years of research carried out at IRISA/INRIA, one of the most prominent French research laboratories. The Kerrighed system results from 8 years of research and development at INRIA. It is the result of 3 thesis and several years of engineering corresponding to 20 man-years of research and development. Kerlabs aims to become a major actor in the Linux cluster market.
The presence of Kerlabs into the XtreemOS project aims at developing the integration between LinuxSSI and Kerrighed community (as part of WP2.2). For more information about XtreemOS please visit
LinuxSSI: the cluster favour of XtreemOS is designed to execute the standard XtreemOS-G high level services on top of the customized cluster version of XtreemOS-F foundation layer. The cluster flavour of XtreemOS-F is based on the Single System Image concept. A Single System Image (SSI) cluster operating system gives the illusion that a cluster is a single multiprocessor machine. With LinuxSSI, which implements the SSI concept in the XtreemOS-F layer, a cluster appears as a single powerful Grid node providing the POSIX interface. LinuxSSI leverages the existing Linux-based Kerrighed SSI technology, resulting from research activities conducted at INRIA in collaboration with EDF R&D and now being developed by a community in the framework of Kerrighed open source project. Kerrighed uses its own internal distributed file system, the Kerrighed/Kernel Distributed File System (kDFS).
Kerlabs: a new partner of the XtreemOS consortium!
Kerlabs is a young company (2006) working in the field of clustering systems and specialises in Operating Single Systems Image (SSI). Kerlabs founders are all former INRIA members where they have been involved in research activities on the Kerrighed project during several years.
Kerlabs develops and markets a high quality and complete SSI software solution based on an open source core (GPL) enhanced by proprietary software extensions with strong added value.
The software solutions of Kerlabs are the result of several years of research carried out at IRISA/INRIA, one of the most prominent French research laboratories. The Kerrighed system results from 8 years of research and development at INRIA. It is the result of 3 thesis and several years of engineering corresponding to 20 man-years of research and development. Kerlabs aims to become a major actor in the Linux cluster market.
The presence of Kerlabs into the XtreemOS project aims at developing the integration between LinuxSSI and Kerrighed community (as part of WP2.2). For more information about XtreemOS please visit

LinuxSSI: the cluster favour of XtreemOS is designed to execute the standard XtreemOS-G high level services on top of the customized cluster version of XtreemOS-F foundation layer. The cluster flavour of XtreemOS-F is based on the Single System Image concept. A Single System Image (SSI) cluster operating system gives the illusion that a cluster is a single multiprocessor machine. With LinuxSSI, which implements the SSI concept in the XtreemOS-F layer, a cluster appears as a single powerful Grid node providing the POSIX interface. LinuxSSI leverages the existing Linux-based Kerrighed SSI technology, resulting from research activities conducted at INRIA in collaboration with EDF R&D and now being developed by a community in the framework of Kerrighed open source project. Kerrighed uses its own internal distributed file system, the Kerrighed/Kernel Distributed File System (kDFS).