
Kerlabs is a team of specialists, providing simple and personalized solutions to clustering issues.
Indeed, Kerlabs proposes a real alternative to the heavy human investments required to manage, operate and maintain the complex hardware infrastructures that are clusters.

Our software solution, Kerrighed, aims at simplifying the administration, the operation and the maintenance of clusters. Kerrighed technology provides:
- A high administration simplicity: manage your cluster as a simple server thanks to our unique concept of virtual SMP.
- A high use simplicity: by preserving the interface of a simple office machine running Linux, you have access to all the power of a cluster.
- The preservation of the software inheritance: without any modification, all your applications benefit of the power of a cluster.
We make cluster computing tasks transparent to users, and thus allow them to concentrate on their expertize for better productivity.
Kerlabs accompanies you throughout the integration of a clustering solution, from needs specification to customer support. Our interventions begin with an audit of problems and specific needs and continue with the deployment of a solution and the guarantee of a support during production. Finally, for a better control of your costs, Kerlabs proposes you to host and manage your Kerrighed cluster.
It is not to users to adapt to computing solutions, but to computing solutions to adapt to users. It is according to this principle Kerlabs conceived Linux Clusters made Easy.
The software solutions of Kerlabs are the result of several years of research carried out at IRISA/INRIA, one of the most prominent French research lab.
Kerlabs founders are all former INRIA members where they have been involved in research activities on the Kerrighed project during several years.
In January, 2012 a new company in California adopted the Linux clustering mission of Kerlabs. We Cluster, Inc. is building new potential for clusters with the Kerlabs legacy.
Kerlabs and We Cluster, Inc. now support Kerrighed and Linux clustering around the world. Contact for Kerrighed technical support and source code development help, otherwise contact We Cluster, Inc. to join the cluster today!